Engineer\Farag Amer -Chairman Of Smouha Club- honored SCCA Staff (Engineer\Medhat Moheb -SCCA Director-and IM\Aly Yasseen-technical director-and and Coach\Mohamed Hegazy) and SCCA champions during the seminar held in Smouha Club on 25th Of March for the great football player and Critic sports and Tv Presenter Captain\Khaled El Ghandour . SCCA players who appear in the last photo are from the left :Yasser Mohamed Ibrahim ,Abd Elrahman Yasser Allam,Heba Hassan Elwazan,Mohab Yasser Allam,Salma Wagdy and Nada Mohamed Abbas.
GM\Anand chose a solid defense this time : The Slav Defense (Wiesbaden variation orCzech variation) ,although GM\Topalov had a slight advantage ;GM\Anand defended tenaciously.The score now is 1.5:1.5 The source of the photo: Live commentary could be found on :
GM\Anand had the white pieces and the game was a very complex Catalan opening. GM\Topalov made an error on move 25... Ne3? when he became impatient and wanted to force things.
On the first of September 1996 Egypt faced Portugal at Yerevan , Armenia in the 32nd chess Olympiad .On board (4) IM\Aly Yasseen (2350) faced FM\Ribeiro Fernando (2285) -who will become Portugal Champion in 1997- IM\Yasseen with the white pieces played;what he considered his best game ever .The game was a Scandinavian Defense (Marshall Gambit)... as black went for 3...Bg4!?, the sharp Portuguese Variation or Jadoul Variation .In this line, Black gives up the d-pawn in order to achieve rapid development and piece activity; the resulting play is often similar to the Icelandic Gambit.IM\Aly Yasseen annotates his best game ever: I wanted to go for :8.d5 but wanted to secure my king as soon as possible. Now after 8.Nc3 if black goes for 8...c6 9.d5! and white is slightly better. Possible was 10.g4!?,also instead of 13.b4 I could have played 13.Kh1 that was a safer move but who said that I seek safety now !?! Instead of 13... Bxb4 I think Black should opt for 13... Bxd4+ 14.Qxd4 Qxb4 15.Na4!? when after a while the weakness on a7 should tell. After 17.Ba3 Black would pay the price... I believe that Black should have accepted the exchange. If 20... Bxa3? 21.Bxd7 and Black's game collapses. Before I play 25.d6 I glimpsed strong men and women grandmasters kibitzing behind me and whispering I was a little bit distracted here that I believe I actually missed a forced win in 5 moves starting by 24.Bc6 !!(if Black plays 24... Nc5 25.Qxc5 Rxe7 26.Rxb7 or If 24... Rxe7 then 25.Rxb7 Kxb7 26.Qb4+)and its mate in 2 moves . If Black goes for 26... Nxc4 then 27.Qb4 is the winning move.
Engineer\Farag Amer -Chairman Of Smouha Club- and member of the Senate welcomed and honored SCCA students who made history and won for the first time the National Youth Chess Tournament 2010 ;an achievement that has been occurred in Alexandria after nearly 20 years mainly because of the great support of the Chairman personally to the academy (SCCA). The list of honors includes: AbdElrahman Yasser Allam (First U-10 Boys), Salma Wagdy Badr Eldin Saleh (Second U-10 Girls) and Mohab Yasser Allam (Third U-8 Boys) who appear in the left photo with the Chairman; the photo on the right accompanied by Mr.Sobhy Hamido-member of Board of Smouha Club and Engineer\Medhat Moheb (SCCA Director). The list of honor also includes :Yomna Khaled (Fourth U-14 Girls) and Doha Shaaban Nasr (Fifth U-16 Girls). The link for all photos is :
Grandmaster Susan Polgar was born April 19, 1969, as Polgár Zsuzsanna and often known as Zsuzsa Polgár On the July 1984 FIDERating List, at age 15, Susan Polgar was the top-ranked woman player in the world. She was the first woman to earn the title of Grandmaster in regular competition. She was the Women's World Chess Champion from 1996 to 1999. In October 2005 Polgar had an Elo rating of 2577, making her the second-ranked woman in the world at the time...( On behalf of myself and SCCA staff and students we wish Susan a very Happy Birthday !
On the fifth of February 2008 US President Barack Obama -during his campaign for the Presidential candidacy - delivered a great speech in Illinois,Chicago .He said "...Change will not come if we wait for some other person or if we wait for some other time.We are the ones we have been waiting for.."!! I presume that the President's notion could be applied to chess ...that the time to change the conditions of chess in our beloved country Egypt has come and we will not wait for some other person nor some other time to achieve our dream!!
At last and after nearly 20 years ;youth from Alexandria region (SCCA students and Bibliotheca Alexandrina chess club students) made history and achieved huge success at the National Youth Chess Championship 2010 that took place in Nahr El Nile hotel-At El Maadi District ,Cairo- from 15-20 February where 225 players participated from all regions of Egypt . The results were as follows: From Smouha Club (SCCA): Boys U-8: Mohab Yasser Allam (Third) Boys U-10: Abd Elrahman Yasser Allam (First) Girls U-10: Salma Wagdy Badr Eldin Saleh (Second) Girls U-14: Yomna Khaled Mossad (Fourth) Girls U16: Doha Shaaban Nasr (Fifth) From Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Chess Club) Boys U-10: Omar Alla (Fifth) Girls U-8: Sara Adel (First),Merna Sameh (Third) Girls U-10: Maha Sameh (Fifth) Girls U-14: Aya Motaaz (Second) Girls U-16: Alaa Motaaz (First)
SCCA Staff :Medhat Moheb (SCCA Director),IM\Aly Yasseen (Technical Director),Mr.Mohamed Hegazy (Trainer),Mr.Islam Elmesery(Adminstrative) Chess Cub Staff :Mr.Ahmed Youssef (Technical Director),Miss Zeinab Allaa (Trainer) Congratulations to all ! ALL results could be found here :
The Legendary world chess champion Garry Kasparov celebrated his 47th birthday. Garry Kasparov born Garry Kimovich Weinstein, (13 April 1963) is a Russian (formerly Soviet) chess grandmaster, a former World Chess Champion, writer, and political activist, whom many consider the greatest chess player of all time. Kasparov became the youngest ever undisputed World Chess Champion in 1985 at the age of 22 He held the official FIDE world title .....
On behalf of myself and all SCCA staff and students wish the world chess champion a very happy birthday.
Here is a 2-minute intro celebrating the 12th Women's World Chess Champion and Chess Queen Alexandra Kosteniuk. Courtesy Oxana Kosteniuk and thanks to Video Project Production Studio.
The World Chess Federation cordially congratulates the Head of the Republic of Kalmykia and FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov on his Birthday! On this day we sincerely wish you good health, family happiness, prosperity and success in all your good deeds and endeavors! The source: On behalf of myself and all SCCA stuff and students we all wish the president of Fide Mr.Kirsan Ilyumzhinov a very happy birthday !
On 30\1\2010 Gold medal Olympic winner -Novi Saad 1990-IM\Satea Husari visited SCC The great Syrian chess champion -now live in Germany- gave a simultaneous dislay with clocks -1:30 to the IM and 1:00 to each of his opponents-against 18 players .This time SCCA students were at their best and played like professional chess players .The final result was +16=1-1 in favor of the IM who showed very sportive behaviour .(Sherif Anter-17 years old- won in a great style and Yasser Mohamed Ibrahim-13-years old -drew confidently ;the other games were very hard fought that Yomna Khaled-13 years old- achieved a winning position but unfortunately blundered away her Queen). The students then enjoyed an instructive lecture given by IM\Satea who analyzed the 2 games he lost and drew and analyzed another chess game played by the late Alexandrian genius chess player IM\Essam Aly Ahmed who passed away in 2003 .At the end of the event Madame\Jihan -IM\Essam Aly Ahmed 's wife with her lovely kids Rowan and Youssef -received Smouha Club shield.
The legendary 12th world chess champion GM\Anatoly Karpov visited Egypt on 23rd of December 2009 to represent the Russian industry in the Russian Industrial Exhibition.The world champion gave a simultaneous display against 16 young Egyptian talents among them were :Yomna Khaled and Omar Khaled (from SCCA) who played fine games.The final score was +15=1-0 in favor of the World Champion ;only FM\Andrew Wagdy and Miss\ Fayrouza Mohamed members of the Egyptian national team scored a draw.The match took place in Helioplis Club under the auspice of Mr.Hussein Nafady Chairman of the Egyptian Chess Federation who signed a protocol by the first letters with the world champion to name 2 chess schools after GM\Karpov -one in Alexandria and the other in Cairo- The link for all the photos is:
The event took place in 16\1\2010 and started by a very instructive lecture given by the great trainer and international lecturer engineer\Hassan Khaled followed by the simultaneous exhbition conducted by 2 young Egyptian talents :WGM\Mona Khaled (the first and youngest female grandmaster who is also the Arab and African champion) and IM\Kareem Wageih (African champion U20 for 3 times)who made a hilarious successive simultaneous against the best 20 players in the academy ;at that time the students of the academy were much stronger and the result was +17=3-0 (three players achieved a draw :Moustafa Tarek (15 years old),Abd Elrahman Yasser Allam (9 years old)-the future national championU-10 years and Ahmed Sameh(11 years old) who played a magnificent game ;and even rejected a draw offer –in one stage of the game -from the grandmasters ! The event was followed and covered for the first time by satellite channels (Otv) and covered by well known Egyptian Newspaper.
Special Guests of honor were :Madame\Gihan Elsahar -member of board of the Egyptian Chess Federation and WGM 's\Mona Khaled mother and Dr.Essam Hamouda - member of board of the Egyptian Chess Federation-
A Centurini Position is one where one of the two diagonals in front of the pawn is less than four squares in length. Created using